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Curriculum (ENG)

CorePage is a partner in PHITO, a project funded by European Union where “farmers and technology unite”. PHITO is part of the Horizon Europe funding program for research and innovation. The interdisciplinary project is coordinated by the University of Wageningen, The Netherlands, and supported by a consortium of 17 European research, food system, and innovation partners, who develop, test and review an application, that is accessible for farmers to support a common way towards sustainable agriculture. The 5-year multidisciplinary project is inclusive, by engaging the stakeholders, and CorePage here encourages the gender equality approaches in the organization and the content of the research project (2023-2028). 

Until 2023 CorePage was partner in a Horizon 2020 project coordinated by the University of Liverpool and University of Copenhagen about Sweeteners and Sweetener enhancers, where Corepage encouraged gender equality in the approach of the organisations as well as in the research content of the project. (SWEET 2018-2023). And until 2020 Corepage was partner in a Horizon 2020 project about interactive Soil Quality Assessment in Europe and China for Agricultural Productivity and Environmental Resilience. (iSQAPER 2015-2020). In this project CorePage promoted the stakeholder engagement with the consortium partners (CDE, MEDES ao), and the gender equality in the project. Also, CorePage was subcontractor in an EU Horizon 2020 project about profitable and sustainable crop production in Europe. (SoilCare, 2016-2021). CorePage was also partner in an EU FP7 project about Preventing and Remediating degradation of soils in Europe through Land Care with study sites all over Europe, looking at different soil threats and solutions in soil protection (RECARE 2013-2018). The tasks for CorePage here are about gender equality, stakeholder participation and valuation of ecosystem services and communication. These projects were coordinated by the Wageningen University (WU) in cooperation with Wageningen Environmental Research (WenR), the Netherlands.

CorePage supported the development of a Stakeholder participation program for RECARE together with the Centre for Development (CDE) from the University of Bern, and World Soil Information Centre (ISRIC) in Wageningen, using the WOCAT (World overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies) methods of documentation and assessment of Sustainable Land Management. Stakeholder involvement has been organized also in cooperation with Leeds University in the UK and the study site research institutes (

In the RECARE context, CorePage was co-author for an article about stakeholder identification: An applied methodology for stakeholder identification in transdisciplinary research (By: Julia Leventon, Luuk Fleskens, Heleen Claringbould, Gudrun Schwilch, Rudi Hessel) Published in Sustainable Science (2016) 11:763–775 DOI 10.1007/s11625-016-0385-1

CorePage was contracted by EU several times as evaluator in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2022.

Before, CorePage was involved and reported as subcontractor five years of the gender action plan of the European Union integrated 6th framework project DESIRE (2007-2012). The DESIRE project has established promising alternative land use and management conservation strategies based on a close participation of scientists with stakeholder groups in the degradation and desertification hotspots around the world. CorePage worked also as subcontractor on the gender equality monitoring of COROADO and CASCADE, two EU 7th framework projects. COROADO (2011-2015) is about technologies for water recycling and reuse in Latin America, coordinated by Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) of Greece. In CASCADE (2012-2017) the sudden shifts in dryland ecosystems in southern Europe were being) investigated, the coordination was done by Wageningen University and Alterra Research centre in the Netherlands.

All mentioned projects and gender reporting are on the CorePage website:

CorePage has previous experience with a wide range of international projects on community participation and gender related issues, for instance on water supply and sanitation, like the International Training Network (ITN) with IHE (Institute for Water Education, Department of Environmental Engineering in Delft, The Netherlands), LUWA (Local Utilities Water Association in Manila and Mindanao, The Philippines), and the MAPET project (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) from WASTE Consultants, Gouda, The Netherlands. And in an Interdisciplinary Study Project from Delft University in cooperation with Novib (Flora Tristan) and NUFFIC, with a study about garbage collection with local women in the suburbs of Lima, Perú.

FAO opened in 2019 the discussion with the global forum on food security and nutrition (FSN), on mainstreaming gender for sustainable soil management where CorePage contributed,  

Mainstreaming gender for sustainable soil management | Page 3 | Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) (

This COREPAGE contribution was cited in the FAO report on "Mainstreaming gender on sustainable soil management", see link:

CorePage joined in 2021 the preparations of a joint WOCAT UNCCD questionnaire on gender responsive sustainable land management technologies. Questionnaire on gender-responsive sustainable land management (SLM) technologies | UNCCD

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